Restoration of your vision

What motivates you – is your life motivated by the same things that motivated Jesus

Luke 4:18 -19 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour."

Year of Jubilee – every 70 years every piece of property reverts to the original owner.

Go back to your original relationship with the Lord and evaluate where your focus is?

Our Presidents theme verse from Isaiah 61 is quoted by Jesus in Luke 4:18 – 19, this appears to be his theme text for his life.  He makes the following areas his theme for his ministry: -

1.     Jesus proclaims good news to the poor

The ultimate gift anyone can receive is a restored relationship with Jesus Christ.  No matter who you are and where you are from having a relationship with Jesus is good news.   The poor in this context is not the materially poor but its anyone who does not have an intimate relationship with Christ. Often, when we are at our lowest point in life and have no more resources we turn to Christ. Once this happens we experience the restoration of the joy of the Lord. As believers that should be our goal to restore relationships with Christ and not just focusing on a social Gospel because then we are no different from the world around us.  Any ministry must take place with the goal of sharing the good news of the gift of eternal life.

2.     Jesus proclaims liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind.

       True freedom is found in a restored relationship with Jesus, who offers forgiveness and grace. This        enables those who are his followers to experience the peace and liberty that only comes from knowing Him.  This relationship helps Christians to cope with many difficulties and discouragement and keep a positive perspective. Our goal should be to share this knowledge and relationship with as many as is possible and so church becomes more about those who do not know Christ and less about what makes his followers comfortable.  As a women’s ministry we should be creating opportunities for our local woman to share their faith journey with those who do not know Christ.

 3.     Jesus offers liberty to those who are oppressed.

This freedom that comes from Jesus is not about political freedom, but this refers to an internal freedom that comes from a relationship with him. As his children we experience the freedom from oppression because he gives us that peace to live day by day with the difficulties that we face.  He expects his children to live and treat each other in a God honouring way that is set out for us in the Bible.  Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” is a verse that clearly instructs Christ followers on how to treat each other on a daily basis.

4.     Jesus proclaims the year of the Lord's favour.

In the Old testament the year od jubilee was the year that property that had been sold was returned to its original owner and that which was loss or forfeited was returned.  As Christ followers we live with this blessing daily as our relationship has been restored to before the fall of Adam.  Once we accept Jesus we experience the Lord’s favour in a new relationship with Him.

As a women of God it is important to live with these truths in mind and be motivated for ministry so that we can led others to experience the blessings we have received through Jesus Christ.

Go back to your original relationship with the Lord and evaluate where your focus is?
