Kingdom Ambassadors seek the best for residents of the host country.

As Kingdom Ambassadors need to be growing and developing as individuals.  Julia Bettencourt makes the following point, "I love the fact that I don't have to imagine that I'm royalty in Christ.  When we accept the Lord as our Saviour, we are part of his royal family." 

Romans 8:16,17 says that the Spirit bears witness with our spirit   then we are joint heirs with Christ.

In her devotion Royal Treasures Julia Bettencourt highlights that we gain much from being in our royal family.  Using various fairy-tale characters she highlights the fact that as royalty we have many privileges:-

Snow White - in the story of Snow White we see she was fair, kind and good.  As Kingdom Ambassadors we in Christ don't have to be snow white but we can be as white a snow. Is 1:18 tells us that though our sins be like scarlet we will be as white as snow. Snow White dreams of her coming prince.  We know for sure that our King is coming again. Snow White had dwarfs for friends but we have many friends in the Lord and that we can have fellowship in Christ together. 

Cinderella - she had to do all the work around the family despite having sisters who could have helped in order to maintain her support and salvation .  As Kingdom Ambassadors we do not have to work for our salvation Jesus gave us as a free gift. Titus 3:5 clearly states that our salvation is a gift not something we have to work for. Like Cinderella rags that were transformed into a ball gown so are we transformed into Kingdom Ambassadors from sinners.  

Sleeping Beauty -  In the story of sleeping Beauty the princess is cursed by an evil fairy. She did not die but she went to sleep until her prince came to give her a kiss and wake her up.  As a Christian when we die,we are just asleep in Christ and He will take us to heaven to live with Him.  What a wonderful gift we have from our King!

The Sword of the Spirit  is our tool in overcoming obstacles and difficulties and we should share this resource this everyone we come into contact with. Eph 6:17 highlights the fact that we have to put on the helmet of salvation.

The Princess and the Pea - in this story a pea was used to test to see if this lady was indeed a princess.  The King knows who we are and nobody has to see if we are ambassadors.  In 2 Timothy 2:19   "The Lord knows those who are his"

Being Kingdom Ambassadors we know that we will go to heaven someday it all depends on whether we have asked Jesus to be our Saviour.

