Kingdom Ambassadors represent the heart of the King.

In 2 Cor 5:20 we are reminded that we as Christ followers have both a command and a commission to do ministry on Christ behalf. We have been appointed as Kingdom Ambassadors to represent Christ here on earth.
" Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."

In the month of February the world focuses on Love as we celebrate Valentines day but as a Christ follower I cannot ignore the greatest Love story that was ever told that we read about in John 3:16:

Image result for john 3:16 printables
God loved the world so much that he gave us his Son and because of that love we have life eternal. Even more amazing is that God's Son was willing to come to die for people that would not necessarily appreciate this gift of love or accept this free gift. Yet He was still willing to sacrifice himself for the chance that we would accept this free gift.

We need to accept that nothing can separate us from God's love and accept that He loves us unconditionally.  When we start to relax and enjoy this inner peace and relationship with Jesus we begin to change as God restores and heal each and everyone of us. When we are at peace with ourselves we will be able to show love and care for those who do not know Jesus. As Kingdom ambassadors we need to love others with this love and seek to share this amazing gift that is available to each and every one of us    

How do we do this in our everyday lives:-

  • We set aside time for pray for those we work for and with.
  • Take a prayer walk around the building where you work and pray for the people who come there daily.
  • At the start of the day pray for every person that you will be meeting during that so that you will be sensitive to any opening you may have during your time together to share your faith. 
  • Plan intentional acts of kindness to encourage people in your life.
  • Help people in your office or workplace who are struggling with a heavy workload.
  • Smile
  • Look for opportunities to encourage and compliment people you come into contact with.
  • Have a servant heart and be willing to serve others even if the task is unpleasant.
  • Be the first to apologize even if you feel you are the wronged party.
  • Make opportunities to talk and listen to people around you.  Follow up by remembering the details and asking how the situation has worked out.
Be a minister of reconciliation and welcome many new folk into the Kingdom by being an intentional Ambassador of God's Kingdom. 
