
This time of the year is report time in my office, everyone wants to know what you have done during the year and whether you have achieved your goal. When I have been working on these reports I have been listening to a song called "Sovereign" which I would like to use in worship on Sunday. What do these two different thoughts have to do with Women's Ministry in the local church.

Firstly, we must have a plan and set goals so that we are aiming at Glorify and spreading the Gospel.  We cannot be haphazard and not have any plans but we cannot be so organised that nothing is happening.  We should be reflecting Jesus in everything that we do whether is be big or small.  Not only that we should also be following His prompting and leading so that our programs and events are addressing and using the God given opportunities.

Secondly, God is sovereign and our failure or success is not dependent on the program but its dependent on God and where he is taking us.  We do not know His plans as Scripture clearly tells us that his plans and thoughts are different from our plans but the instruction given to us is to be about His business and He will use our feeble attempts to achieve His ultimate purpose.

Spring is certainly in the air here in the Eastern Cape and I am beginning to shake of the winter blues let's do likewise in our women's ministries and plan for the last part of the year with a clear focus of creating opportunities so that other women can come into this very special relationship with Jesus Christ and that we can spend Eternity together worshiping our Lord.  
