Missions - Our purpose

The last few days I have been preparing the resource program based on the Assembly theme of God' Mission our Passion.  What a simple statement what an awesome concept.  What is Missions is it just going to another culture or is it done in your community ? Is it an individual responsibility or a church responsibility? When is a good time to become involved? Is it just for those who can afford it? Is it the responsibility of every Christian?   After thinking about this Word Missions I have come to realize that it is more than just the traditional idea of going to another Culture it is actually as you live your daily life you are on Mission with God.

A few years ago Ii participated in a program called On Mission with God and this became a buzz word.  How do we go on Mission with God?

Firstly, we need to have a relationship  with God.  Putting ourselves in the right position to go on Mission  through evangelism, outreach and working cross-culturally.  Why do we do that? the simple answer is that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and we need to put matters right.

Secondly, as Christ followers we have been in instructed by Jesus to participate in being His witnesses" You shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and even to the remotest part of the earth."  

Thirdly, it starts with prayer for the Spirit to led you daily and by being sensitive to his leading and using the opportunities that He gives you.  Think of what you have been doing today and who you have come into contact with, have you told them the wonderful news that Jesus saves and will they spend eternity with you? Our purpose is to Glorify God so our passion should be God centered and not focused on our passion for our needs and comforts. Be intentional in your daily walk to share your story about what Jesus has done for you.  It starts at home, in the traffic, at the office in the store or any place where you are going today. Missions is evangelism, Missions is assisting anyone in need in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Missions is going to places where many have not heard about Jesus.  
